Friday, November 29, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving

Leahy grandkids
 Some of the girls and Aunt Emma's delicious display of goodies. (The picture doesnt do it justice!)
 Auntie Mags, thanks for holding me so long.
 Sweet little T-t.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Little Golfer

The last of our tomatoes finally!
We had so many little cherry t's this year, the kids were continually being sent out to pick them, Pat would come and see that I had neglected the duty and pick a big I had lots in the fridge. We had a lot of chili; the vitamix was perfect for pureeing them.
Well this was the last bit and I had let them sit too long so I was sorting the good from the bad. Louis took it his responsibility to make it sure they all made it to the sink hole guided by his spoon, putter.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Happy All Souls

I did not realize until I walked out the door, you kids had moved all the decorations around.
 Since it was far too muddy and rainy to go and walk through the cemetery like last year,
we just enjoyed an icecream cemetery at home and prayed for our special souls.
In our Mass for All Saints, they sang How Great thou Art...then again on Sunday....I couldnt help but think of you Theresa, my sister Saint in Heaven singing the words "thru the forest glades I I hear the birds sing sweetly in the trees.....atop the lofty mountain grandeur".
Of course all the kids had to squabble over the white gravestones made for Daddy,
since he is not fond of chocolate.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Happy All Saints!

The kids All Saints Party at school. Isabelle was St. Helen. Drew was St Vincent De Paul.
It was so nice staying in this night, we didnt bother even going out to trick or treat.
It was rainy, was our excuse and we had not even carved the pumpkins.
BTW: Drew is the "headless horseman."

I will take both!