Last days before school starts.
I feel I have to take advantage of every last minute!
….and yet I have really enjoyed this summer and feel we have all had a great time enjoying what summer is all about, to me anyways, soaking up the outdoors;
taking advantage of the sun as much as possible, running around barefoot...unless Dad is supervising.......
going blueberry picking, thanks to Grandma….70lbs in the freezer!
watering the flowers...this is the first yr I have been consistent with this chore and I know others think it a good job for their kids…but I found it very therapeutic and a perfect time to talk to God, especially my new Mary garden that is now in the works…thanks to my father;

we had a big load of dirt delivered with Grandpa and Grandma's help. we spent the next days with the wheel barrow....filling the gardens even Louis wanted to help.
It did feel so good to get dirty!
"Mom are you going to help me with this load?! "
Out side for everything possible even haircuts
Our biggest project, a new deck! Thank you Pat, I know I did not originally think it necessary....but I love it!

Helping again.......
Drew's projects....a sand box, yet to be filled with sand.
A "deer blind" yet to be see a deer.
Picnics in our own "front yard".

Enjoying Grampa and Grammies cottage........