I forgot really how, “on my toes” I am required to be as a mother of a toddler boy.
I thought I was over-reactive, first time mother type when Drew was in his ‘toddler’ years.
I felt I could never let him out of my sight.
Well, he grew older, began to understand his boundaries etc. The girls followed suit and for the most part played on their own well without my 60 sec, 60 min, 24 hr watchful eye.
Total different make-up: scared of even the thought of a “stranger” or venturing too far from their safe surroundings.
However, Louis has reached the age that he realizes his legs can take him where he wants to go, forget what the rest of the crowd is doing! A ball across the retention pond in the neighbors drive is what he wants, why not go get it?
A big glass ball up at another neighbors front door, that’s nice too.
Forgot about all the balls in his own yard…these look a lot more exciting!
Warning crys (if they happen to be aware) shriek from the girls so that I can race out to retrieve him before he has gone too far.
Of course he has no way of comprehending this is not acceptable to just walk half-way up the street.
Here he is with his little pusher (reminds me of cousin Pierce)
Turning around to wave each couple of feet before he bores full-bore ahead wherever he is bent on going.