Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Cousins and horseback riding!

Michaela and Katherine were so excited to share their ranch neighbors with us and all the animals, sheep (3 brand new lambs), cows and horses and a mule, which was the best for a novice to ride.
(Transportation there was on foot or of course Grandpa's 4-wheeler.)
The real pro.
Though not a rider, Louis liked being part of the excitement, and would not stop calling out "doggie!"
His vocabulary has yet to be expanded!
Nonetheless, he loved being toted by his cousins.
Hannah's new buddies: Michaela and Katherine.
She was more excited about seeing them the ones her age! 
I felt bad calling them back home for dinner ~ they were all so entertained.

The Boys sleepover.
 It was quite noble of  Grandpa and Grannie to wake early
and ride with them to the end of road to Aunt Theresa's shrine and then to see the animals.
Birthday Buddies ~ December 8th
Uncle Matt's Birthday in the gym
 Go Grannie!

Girls in Pink ~ enjoying a coffee and roll after a plane ride with Grannie and Gramps. 
And one boy~~~

~Thumbs up to a great trip Mom and Dad ~

Hikes and Bones

Yes, 2 1/2 weeks since our visit to MT, yet we are still reminiscing the fun times we had!
There are so many pics I want to remember I am just going to post most of them.
(Then, Mom you can take the ones you want.)
A hike with Uncle Ben behind the lodge.
Found an antler~the beginning of a search:antlers and bones.

Then a hike with Mom and Dad
Just up the back hill.

23 Bones/teeth in all~other than the ones he "generously" gave to his cousins.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Easter Sunday - Christ has Risen!

The Egg Hunt
Is this how I do it?
Jackpot! We've got the hang of it!  
~Easter Baskets~
 Isabelle was the first to find hers. 

 Louis's next
 We looked and looked for Drews~finally someone spotted it!
 Relief that the Easter Bunny didn't forget him!

 Comparing the goods.

Uncle Ben are you thinking of taking some of my treats?

You sure are cute Hallie Jo

 To the drifts
 Little buds, Isabelle in all her glory with cousin Annika!