Growing up, I recall Mom and Dad calling to our attention what a blessing our grandparents were: telling us stories of their childhood and how their grandparents were much less involved in their lives. The simple reminders instilled a gratitude especially as I grew and saw how they made each of us feel so special, despite their being some 30-40 of us.
Now as a parent, I appreciate grandparents in an even different light
as I see it benefiting my children (and me!).
It means so much to have Grannie and Grandpa delight in our kids and know just how much the kids look up to them and feel loved with any and all the attention they are given.
Everything is a treat when Grandpa and Grandma are here!
Thank you Mom and Dad for your visit.
I treasure the moments every time.
Our new "lawn ornament": installed by Grandpa of course.
Louis knew he could get Grandpa to push him,
he'd grab his finger and use one of his few words (with a pleading tone):
"nan" meaning please.

Early mornings with Grandma.
I admire how she puts the kids first upon rising and looks fwd to herself
reading another chapter in a book they are working through.
The littles of course don't even follow the story, just the fact they are part of the picture with Grannie!
A soccer game ~ picking teams
Feeding the horses, while Dad, Gabby, Drew rode bikes into town for a haircut.
Ziggy's is open! Icecream is a given with Grandpa and Grandma.
Louis was thrilled he got his very own
(accustomed to sharing with Mom and begging for extra bites from his siblings).
What fun to have Gabby with us.
It reminded me of the many times we each got to travel w/our grandparents.
How special it made me feel!
The other day Drew asked me if his two front teeth were the real ones or the babies:
"because they don't look normal", well I suppose its those Nistler/Dieringer genes ~ sorry!
(Another thing from grandparents. :)
They still work good for icecream!