Saturday, August 31, 2013

Enjoying Theresa Roxanne

We stopped at Church and told God thank you for our new little sister and member of the family.
Two doting brothers.
Two loving sisters and second mothers.
Enjoying Grandma. 

Proud and possessive!
Louis absolutely adores her. He was so excited to finally hold her
all to himself and would squalk at whoever attempted to hold her next.
I think after me being away a week, he finally felt included in all the excitement.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

It's a girl!

Well, you finally arrived, all our guessing and debating over names is over.
Theresa Roxanne it is you.
I don't think there is anything as exhilerating, breathtaking, emotional, amazing as having the child you've carried within you for 9 months enter the world.
I always wonder how I can cry so unconsolably when I am so happy!
What a gift you are little Therese!
You certainly had a rough start of it though.
Your lungs weren't quite ready for this world so you had to spend an xtra week in the NICU.
I have to say it was an empty feeling being wheeled to my room without you.
The kids were still excited to come visit though.
I am not sure if they were more excited about pushing the wheelchair or seeing you.
This is a better picture of you in your first days.
At some times when you had the CPAP on, we could hardly see any of your pretty features.

Beautiful welcome pictures from your siblings (and Grandma:)
Closer to going home.
We were not sure that we would be discharged before Grandma returned to MT,
so she came down to spend the morning with me, while Grammie watched the kids.
It was a special morning just being together.
(Even you seem to think so).

First day home.
Don't you love the onesy Grandma painted you?

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Soon to arrive: # 5

A day away! 
Isabelle was so excited to pick out clothes for the baby.
She has been counting down the days (with the others) but her excitement is the most expressed.
It has been quite the drama over picking out names if it is a boy. 
Stuart Augustine or Gordon.Matthew
Isabelle is hard core on my side and despite Dad's teasing and coaxing, sticks to Stu.
Admiring the little outfits, she really liked the boys outfit and gasped:
 "oh, I almost said I hoped it was a boy!" I replied that wasn't bad. 
Isabelle, with dread: "yes, but then...... the name!"
I had warned her that I would probably let Dad not to be sad if he really did pick Gordon.
Grandma is here and of course we had to take advantage before the arrival to go
blueberry picking, so off we went for another 15# for the freezer.
This time we finished off picking with icecream, instead of pancakes.
Afterall Grandma was here.
Sharing. I think it ended up being a mix of banana split, moosetracks and blueberry cream pie.
In distraction of visiting, Grandma almost took the offered taste of the stirred up version!
 Next stop: to fill our milk jars at Oliver's Farm before heading home.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Dog sitting

Despite giving Grammie a bad time for her love of Bailey; the dogs presence has come to my
 advantage on several occasions, almost to the point of considering our own...but not quite.
Going out of town and unable to take Bailey with her
 Grammie has entrusted the job to Drew, to feed, walk and clean up after him....
yes including the use of a mutt mitt (little poop pick-up glove/bag).
The kids are thoroughly involved and entertained.
Early AM I don't even realize Drew is awake until he comes in from outside to tell me
he already walked Bailey and Bailey already did his business.
Then the girls wake up and have to take him for another walk....and of course Louis can't be left out insisting: "me, me". So, the morning passes.
I notice Louis trailing off in the wagon ~ being pulled by Bailey.
Then all in the wagon, pulled by Drew and bike, leading Bailey.
Now, finding new spots in the shade in which to restation Bailey.
Drew noted that he thinks Bailey likes our family because
he doesn't have to stay in his cage except at night.
 Then of course sitting becomes a little drall...... why not climb the tree?
 In the meantime ~ the girls on the inside.
Hannah sing me song.
So, thank you Grammie for the extra help you gave this weekend....
well I forgot to add except when it made us walk in 5 min. late for Sunday Mass.
 (Drew was still up at the mailbox walking Bailey, when it was time to leave. )
Yet, I am sure God understood. :)

It began by protecting Bailey from the rain.
Is anyone in there?
 Where's Bailey?

 Oh......we put him back in the cage.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Enjoying the girls.......

It is not always realized how different the sbsence of one child is.
(Not to hurt your feelings Drew but....we had a very peaceful tea party)
Drew was asked to stay at Aunt Beth's for the night and celebrate Zach's bday and
stayed through to the following evening; a full day in which us girls woke up and
celebrated Hannah's feast day, since she was now officially recovered.
Hot chocolate (yes, I used stevia Mom), yogurt, blueberries and granola and toast with
cinnamon sugar and fresh strawberry jam from a friend (just like Grandma Dieringers)
I forgot how delicious it was!
They each picked out their favorite dress and dressed their dolls too.
Louis was distracted with his lego truck.
Do I have to be part of this?! I am even wearing a tie.
Little House in the Big Woods.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

What a good Sunday!

Every Sunday this is what it should be like.....just enjoying each other and all God's creations. 

 Blueberry pancakes for breakfast ......
to further enjoy the 23 lbs we had
picked the day before.
Mom I was sure to have
buttermilk in the fridge;
you are right they taste so
much better!

 Collecting flowers. thank goodness for the retention pond's wild ones or my gardens would be bare.
I guess I could have tried to avoid the light post. \
Off to the park.
Thank you Pat.... this is what I love to share together.