Well this post is late...but I wanted to add my little "saints" in the making.
One Saturday when Dad was working and the kids needed their imagination to entertain them, Drew decided he would raise money for the poor.
The pic doesnt pick up the "saving mony for the poor" written on the wood board. Of course I didnt really realize what was going on until everything was quite underway.
The kids were going in and out and not needing me so I just kept about my business until I
noticed them knocking on the neighbors door, little did I realize, asking for money!
Of course the prolife sign that was strategically set up to the side I am sure would cause people to wonder.
I was unsure whether to put an end to their creativity or just pretend I didnt realize what was going on. They were so hoping someone would come along to buy something, a pumpkin placemat, a watergun, some apples (Hannah already started to eat one in her impatience).
Thankfully Grammie happened to call and I gave her the bug to come over and appease them.
I didnt want to forget this, so I sent Drew out with the camera.
They do not appear to be very enthusiastic saleswomen!
Raking leaves just so the girls could jump in them.
Isabelle and little Nicolee.
all we hear is "mu, mu".
Once its on his tray he is happy...whether he ends up using it or not.
Yogurt and blueberries. Mmmm!
Blowing a kiss to Mary.
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