Monday, December 3, 2012

Waiting - 1st candle

What good memories I have of my childhood Advent, the anticipation, the waiting...
the smell of matches, candle-lit faces singing O Come,O Come Emmanuel.
The stable coming out, straw in a paper bag trying to fill it to Mom's standard (soft enough for Baby Jesus) so that we could take out the rest of the nativity pcs....
really of excitement, hope and joy!
Now preparing with my own family, I have in past yrs concerned myself with how I could make Advent perfect like it was when I grew up (or as I viewed it).
However, last night when we lit the first candle and I saw the kids all look at each other with excitement, wonder and that same joy I always felt,  I realized I have totally missed the point.
It is all about me doing what I can in the moment and how Advent turns out is more due to my simplified, selfless heart....
if lighting the advent candles and singing O come Emmanuel each night is ALL we do,  that alone will be enough to ignite the wonder, hope and excitement I wanted to duplicate for my kids. 

Yet, we did get a pkg from Grandma to enjoy a few more stories about Jesus birthday, one of which Drew sat down and read right away.....
Drew reading Grandma's note:
Pouring through all the books......I loved hearing them talk to each other....
"Oh, remember this one, oh this one was my favorite......"


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