2 weeks in Montana!
I truly feel spoiled having such an opportunity to stay with my parents, living quite comfortably, upon waking Grannie is all prepared with a healthy smoothie and toast for the kids and out the door for the rest of the day...except the little girls making there way in and out of the basment to exchange a baby's clothing or something where all is set up for the girlish fun. So, here are pics of some of the fun things we did...does not include L&C Caverns or backpacking to Blackfoot meadows or floating down the Jefferson but......
Enjoying the pond and cousins.
Floated to far without the oars?
It became Isabelle's duty to get the twins braver out in the water and Collette really loved it!
Pull Isabelle!
I'll get the gun ready Hannah...line us up.
Louis didn't discover the excitement of the water till the last few days
so enjoyed playing with the sand toys.
Returning for lunch....or to jump on the trampoline?
Fun with the twins!
A 4th of July party planned by Uncle Matt!
Remote control car race for best time.
Paper airplane contest~construct and fly.
Pellet gun shoot off.
All with a prize for the winner!
Fresh pattied elk burgers and all sorts of extra treats.
I didnt take my camera floating down the river (with which we started with) but
floating all together was a great time.
Thanks Matt and Carolyn!
Louis thought the dog door was just for him.
A fish fry for breakfast~only with Grandpa and Grannie.
Grandma let Drew batter and fry them - made them taste all the better.
A boat ride with Uncle Joe to Indian Trails through the Gates of the Mtns
and Happy Birthday!
Keeping Hallie and Louis content with Lemonade
Drew's highlight, he got to help drive....I am sure all the 3rd graders will hear of it come Fall.
Isabelle had to put up a real stink about the outhouses.
A Sunday stroll up near the lodge.
Nothing better than romping through the woods on a Sunday hike....able to run and wander .
and of course sharing leftover donuts.
Not sure what's going on here!
We love you Grandpa and Grandma!
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