Monday, August 27, 2012

With a joyful heart let me start

I started this blog much due to my sisters’ prompting and overall for an outlet to just put in writing my day….however it turns out! …After all ‘this is the day”!

This is the day… that God has given me to be a better mother and wife, that God has given me to cherish and make the most of.

How easy it is to get down in a rut and not think any noble thoughts till the day is at its end and then regret that I didn’t use the day He gave me, so as always my hope is to put more thought into each moment and live ‘this day‘., “that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it”.

I do struggle with perfectionism, whether it be with my specific plans, my houses cleanliness, my children’s behavior.

My Dad once told me “Maria, no-one will ever be perfect”. In my haughty nature I wanted to reply that Christ told us we must TRY to be perfect. I can’t recall how I actually responded, yet, I took it as constructive criticism to apply it to my own life. I need to let go of some things and however the chips may fall….the day God gave me is what He wants for me now.