Thursday, August 29, 2013

It's a girl!

Well, you finally arrived, all our guessing and debating over names is over.
Theresa Roxanne it is you.
I don't think there is anything as exhilerating, breathtaking, emotional, amazing as having the child you've carried within you for 9 months enter the world.
I always wonder how I can cry so unconsolably when I am so happy!
What a gift you are little Therese!
You certainly had a rough start of it though.
Your lungs weren't quite ready for this world so you had to spend an xtra week in the NICU.
I have to say it was an empty feeling being wheeled to my room without you.
The kids were still excited to come visit though.
I am not sure if they were more excited about pushing the wheelchair or seeing you.
This is a better picture of you in your first days.
At some times when you had the CPAP on, we could hardly see any of your pretty features.

Beautiful welcome pictures from your siblings (and Grandma:)
Closer to going home.
We were not sure that we would be discharged before Grandma returned to MT,
so she came down to spend the morning with me, while Grammie watched the kids.
It was a special morning just being together.
(Even you seem to think so).

First day home.
Don't you love the onesy Grandma painted you?

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